Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Drachenwald Kingdom Wall Hanging Vol IV

And another. I'm getting quite boring.

The Canton of Kaarnemaa. Linen and cotton, split stitch and Klosterstich.

And the back side:
I desided to try Klosterstich, since I had not tried it before. It used noticeably less thread than other techniques I had used for the other patches. I run out of black thread in the middle of the bird. You can notice it, if you know it, but othervice one black is like another. It doesn't matter, but it bothers me nonetheless. Embroideries are the only things with which I tend to be a pain in the butt perfectionist. That is also why I make so small stitches. I'm incapable of making them bigger. I have tried...

Now what to do next? I'll think about it. I have a plan, though. I'll try if it works first.

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