Monday, September 26, 2011

A preview for you

Here is a peek of what I'm doing at the moment. I had a very lazy summer, but now I'm working again. I'm embroidering a heraldic pouch. It'll be a present again, this time for Mistress/Mistress Katheryn Hebenstreitz. The first side is finished, and it bears her device. On the other side will be a pelican in piety surrounded with a laurel wreath. I decided to use my old style on this, because I wanted to have a work to calm my mood and make me happy. (Embroidery Zen...) Silk on linen, split stitch and laid work, 15x15cm.

What do you think? Should the stems be a little thicker?


  1. Yes, I think they should be a smidgen thicker, now that you mention it...

    Really pretty! And such consistent stitching!

  2. That is one row of stitches, so the next step thicker would be double. Or I could use a little thinner thread for the extra row. Hmm...
